Home Student Finance How to Choose A College

How to Choose A College

Your college years are some of the most important years of your life; it is during this time that you could make some lifelong friends, learn how to be self-sufficient, and of course gain a qualification which will determine the route that the rest of your life takes. For these reasons, it is important that you think carefully when it comes to choosing which college you’d like to apply to. The following topics are crucial to consider when making your choice and remember, once you have a shortlist make sure you visit the colleges because this can give you a realistic impression of what life could be like whilst studying there.


Perhaps the most important thing to consider is where the college ranks in comparison to its competitors. Official rankings such as MBA program rankings take into account the quality of teaching, research quality, funding, expertise, awards given, student facilities, graduate employment statistics, industrial linkage, and historical reputation, so they can give you a really good idea of the value of your potential experience and qualification. When considering rankings, make sure you focus on the specific course you’re planning to do, as the quality of different courses at the same college can really vary, and some colleges may be known for their expertise in a particular subject. The reputation of the college you attend can play a big part in your future employability.


The ways in which you learn the most effectively are another important thing that needs to be considered when making your choice. Different colleges, courses and professors take different approaches to teaching, for example some prefer group discussion, class discussion, targeting individuals, or simply speaking while students take notes. Some of these approaches could be detrimental to your learning experience and some could really boost it so make sure you make enquiries into the kinds of techniques used by the professors who would be teaching you. One easy way to do this is by visiting the college during term time and observing classes. The content of courses varies between colleges so another thing to make sure you do is look at which individual modules will be taught. How much you enjoy learning about the topics they include will make a big difference to your willingness to complete the work set.


As well as the teaching you will receive, the lifestyle you will have also differs between colleges. It is important to look at the accommodation they provide as this is where you would be spending a lot of your time. Some colleges invest a lot in their living accommodation whereas others see it as an afterthought.  There are other facilities too such as student unions, libraries and canteens which you’ll need to have a good look at. Some colleges are spread all over cities whereas others are confined to a campus, depending on the kind of person you are you may prefer one to the other.

Choosing your college can be a daunting process but the most important things to remember are the rankings of your chosen course and college, the standard of teaching, and the quality of student facilities. For more advice on life choices like this, take a look at bestfinance-blog.com.